Really boil what you just said, down to it's essence. Think very carefully about what you are saying. So the Eightfold Path will be essential to achieve that unless you are remarkably adept at meditation on your own. The bad news is, the practices aren't possible until you train to form and maintain an image in your mind with perfect stability and clarity. The good news is those are real and based on real world results. If you are seeking supernatural abilities which you'll hear many people claiming to have, then good news and bad news. There is a reason why the Buddha's Eightfold Path is so comprehensive. You'll need a whole system of training to achieve a meaningful degree of insight to lessen your discontent. If you want to feel happier and more at ease, then that will be beyond the scope of any single method.

There are more people giving meditative advice than there are people giving good meditative advice. I will caution you, seek out a variety of credible sources for meditative advice and dig deep into the life of anyone claiming they possess some secret meditative knowledge. If you just wanna clear your head at the end of the day, breath meditation is sufficient for an experienced mediator just as for a novice. Ask yourself "why do I want to meditate?". Your approach depends on your meditation goals. Meditation Pics - for meditation-related images. INOS Meditation research- Search for any researched topic on meditation. Meditation research in Reddit - Scientific papers on Meditation

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How to meditate - Stories relating to the practice of meditation.